Green Logic guarantees strict control criteria to the safety of its plantations and customers

Green Logic is subject to international certifications to our investors a safe and strong investment controlled business through guarantee high standards such as: ESG, Carbon Connect.
Green Logic supports the goals of the Global Goals, both to
create a better world by 2030 and climate change in a
sustainable and in the long term to face the challenges of
the future.

Cercarbono offers solutions for a reduced carbon footprint and a more climatically positive world. With their collaboration with Cercarbono write they success stories in terms of Climate protection, Economy, society and above all for our environment.
ESG is an acronym that represents the environmental, social and governance criteria used to assess the sustainability of investments.
In addition to economic performance, these criteria are considered in the investment evaluation process to estimate the risk/return profile of portfolios.

Green Logic guarantees strict control criteria to the safety of its plantations and customers

Green Logic is subject to international certifications to our investors a safe and strong investment controlled business through guarantee high standards, such as: ESG, Cercarbono.

Green Logic supports the goals of the Global Goals, both to create a better world by 2030 and climate change in a sustainable and in the long term to face the challenges of the future.

Cercarbono offers solutions for a reduced carbon footprint and a more climatically positive world.
With their collaboration with Cercarbono write they success stories in terms of climate protection, economy, society and above all for our environment.

ESG is an acronym that represents the environmental, social and governance criteria used to assess the sustainability of investments.
In addition to economic performance, these criteria are considered in the investment evaluation process to estimate the risk/return profile of portfolios.